How To Have An Efficient Meal When Out Of Home?

What happens when the food you eat is not required by your body? The body obviously expels it out in one way or another; and if it doesn’t, it will just be hanging around in your body as “fat” for years. In any case, eating more than you want, or eating what is not required by your body, is not efficient. Efficient means having a good meal at a reasonable price. And, the best way to do that is opting for a buffet meal.

A buffet is where you can have a variety of meals to taste by paying only a nominal amount. You can go around the entire buffet to see all that is available, and then serve yourself only what you wish to have. Unlike other meals, you don’t have to eat only what is ordered on the table. However, because you are getting so much to choose from, and lots of delicacies, don’t make the mistake of stuffing yourself with all that you get. There is a way for you to follow so that you can make the buffet an efficient meal for your body – just what the purpose of this blog is. So, here we bring to you all the Do’s and Don’ts that you must keep in mind while going for a buffet so that you eat well and just right.

What to do?

  • Just before you leave for the buffet, you must drink a cup of diluted vinegar. It has been proven that four teaspoons of vinegar before meals reduce blood sugar levels after eating.
  • When you enter the buffet hall, take a look around to see what all is available first, so that you know what all you are planning to eat.
  • Begin with a soup. Drink a bowl of soup first, and then let a 15 minute gap before you start off with your meal.
  • When you plan on taking your meal, take only what you like; and remember to take only small portions of each. You never know whether something is not as great as it looks, something is overcooked, or something is undercooked. And, there is always a chance to take another round of what you liked. But remember, when you take a second round, settle only for 3-4 best items. Don’t gobble all that you can.
  • Keep having refreshing items between courses; like a juice, a bowl of salad, or a few pieces of fruit.

What not to do?

You may think that in order to have a great time munching on the delicious dishes at the buffet, you must keep enough space within your stomach; and for this, people generally quit their breakfast and other meals before the buffet. But, this is a big mistake! You don’t need to starve yourself, or the moment you start on your buffet, you’ll feel sick in the gut. You could have a light snack every now and then to keep your stomach working. Also, make sure you are properly hydrated throughout the day. But yes, you must stop having anything 4 hours before the buffet.

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